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How To Start A Podcast For Free On Spotify?

Do you know podcasting on Spotify is completely free? Yes, it’s completely doable and easier than you might think.

Most of us know that a podcast is a type of show that can be listened to or watched on a computer or phone. Podcasts have grown in popularity, especially since Spotify introduced video podcasts. It sounds really good that you are able to share your voice, stories, or expertise with the world—all without spending a single penny. But how do you actually do that?

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of launching your podcast on Spotify for free. Have a look!

What is Spotify for Podcasters?;

Spotify for Podcasters is a free application that allows podcast creators to share their content, gain more listeners, and make money. It’s compatible with both apps and websites. It has tools to help you talk to your fans, see how people find your podcast, and be memorable on Spotify, a popular place for listening.

When you use it, you can use many cool things to help your show grow, talk to your fans, and make money. Here are some of the best parts:

  • Detailed info about how your show and episodes are doing
  • Tools to help you make money
  • Ways to record and edit right in the app or on the website
  • Questions and polls to share with fans to make them feel more involved
  • “Video episodes” for a fun and unique way for fans to watch

Try Spotify’s free tools to grow your podcast if it’s already on another platform. These tools let you talk to your listeners and see how many people tune in to your podcast. You can state that the show is yours on Spotify for Podcasters. Who owns your podcast or how you manage it on other websites is still the same.

How RSS Feeds Work on Spotify?

An RSS feed is like an ID card for your podcast. You can think of it like a home address. Each house has one address, and each podcast has one RSS feed. When you produce a podcast, the platform where you may distribute it offers you a unique code.

Copy and paste this code to publish your podcast on various sites, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify. RSS feeds update themselves, so you only need to share your code with other places once.

11 Tips to Start A Podcast For Free On Spotify

How To Start A Podcast For Free On Spotify

When you’ve finished the items above, you’re ready to launch your podcast on Spotify! Check out the steps below.

1. Create an Account

If you are new to Spotify, you must first establish an account by completing the procedures outlined below:

  • Go to the Spotify website for podcasts and choose “Get Started.”
  • Now log in to your account if you have any, or create an account using your email address.
  • If you create a new account, you may go to Spotify’s home page, but you have to return to Spotify for Podcasters and then select Get Started Again by logging In.
  • You must agree to the terms and considerations when signing up for Spotify.

2. Spotify For Podcasters Account

To publish your podcast, you must have a Spotify for Podcasters account, whether you have previously created one or are just signing up. You may accomplish this by using a form and choosing “I already have a podcast” or “I want to start a podcast.”

If you choose the first option, log in to your current Spotify account or establish a new one. If the second option is your preference, pick your podcast host of choice from the list and claim your show by entering the code you received by email along with your RSS feed.

When you make your account, you’ll share details about your podcast, like:

  • Podcast name (its title)
  • Description (what it’s about)
  • Cover art (a picture for it)
  • Category (what kind of podcast it is)
  • Language (the language it’s in)
  • Content type (if it’s suitable for everyone or just for grown-ups)

3. Define A Podcast Topic

The first step in starting a podcast is to choose a topic. Every episode will discuss this topic, so try to pick something broad. For example, think about making a list of songs for animal lovers. ‘Pet care tips’ would interest many more than ‘Caring for goldfish,’ but it’s still about caring for pets.

You should also consider who will listen to your podcast. Write down things about your ideal listener. How old are they? Where do they get their news? What problems do they have? Knowing this can help you create a podcast that people want to listen to rather than simply chatting and hoping someone hears you.

4. Consider Your Podcast Audience

Finding the right people who will love your podcast is the first thing to do. Think about:

  • What makes your podcast special
  • Who would like to listen to it
  • How can you tell them about it?

Even if only a few people listen at first, it’s normal. Every popular podcast started small. Begin with modest goals, such as getting to know yourself as a creative, identifying your audience, and communicating with them on social networking platforms like TikTok or Instagram. Small steps may lead to significant results, such as having 100 people listen to your podcast.

5. Record Your First Episode

Creating a script before starting your podcast is a fantastic idea. With some crucial topics to cover, your script should outline your opening and closing remarks for your podcast. This will allow you to stay structured while recording and make your podcast easier for others to comprehend.

Spotify allows you to record your podcasts straight in the app. However, there are a few considerations to consider:

  • You can’t do fancy editing.
  • If you’re using the Chrome browser, your recording time is limited to 30 minutes.

6. Edit Your Podcast

Making a quality podcast episode may take time and effort. You may need assistance with your words or remembering what you want to say. Editing can help make your episode awesome! Here are some things to keep in mind when editing your podcast:

  • Long pauses between words or sentences.
  • Words like “um” or “uh” don’t add meaning.
  • Background noise, like a neighbor mowing the lawn.
  • Volume levels, so your audio is quiet enough.
  • Adding music and sound effects can make your podcast more interesting.

Descript is a helpful tool for editing podcasts. It turns your audio into text, making editing easy. You can edit your podcast like you would a Google Doc, and it includes several valuable tools to help your podcast seem more professional.

7. Distribute Your Podcast

You must find a distributor company to publish your podcast so people worldwide can listen. However, you can use an RSS feed to share your podcast on another platform. Here is the reason how you can do it:

  • Go to
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Podcast Availability.
  • Click on RSS Distribution to get your unique link.
  • Copy this link and put it in the right place on other podcast websites.
  • Make sure your podcast episodes are connected to Spotify.

You can save lots of episodes without any space limits. Spotify will also share your podcast on apps like Castbox, Amazon Music, Apple, and Google. This helps more people find and listen to your podcast without you doing extra work.

8. Publish Your Episode

First, verify your Spotify account for podcasters. You need to do this before you can publish your first episode. Once your episode is ready, give it a title and description. You can also add an episode number, season number, and unique artwork if you have them.

If you want your episode to go live immediately, click “Publish now.” However, it is a good idea to schedule when your episode will air. This lets you consistently release episodes, ensuring listeners know when to anticipate them. To schedule your episode:

  • On the web: Find the Publish date and choose the date and time you want.
  • On mobile: Tap Change publish date, pick the date and time you want, and then tap Schedule for.

9. Promote Your Spotify Podcast

It’s time to obtain your first listeners when your Spotify podcast is complete. Using cool names, writing about your show in a fun way, and making awesome pictures for it can help more people find your podcast on Spotify. But to get even more listeners, you can tell more people about your podcast differently.

Here are some easy ways to tell people about your podcast:

  • Ask guests to tell their friends and followers about the episode they were in.
  • Trade promotions with other podcasts. This means you tell your listeners about their show, and they tell their listeners about your show.
  • Ask to be mentioned in newsletters that talk about topics like your podcast.
  • Join podcast parties where people listen to and discuss each other’s shows.

10. Leverage Analytics To Measure Success

You’re working hard to promote your podcast and keep your listeners engaged. But how can you tell whether it’s working? How do you determine its success?

First, you must decide what success means for you and your podcast. Do you want new listeners? More subscribers? More people talking about your show? Once you’ve determined what to measure, you can utilize Spotify’s Podcasters tools to see how well your episodes perform. Here’s how to view your podcast data:

  • Log in to your Spotify for Podcasters account.
  • Navigate to Catalog (if you do not host your podcast on Spotify) or Analytics (if you do).
  • You may also access your data from your phone or tablet using the Spotify for Podcasters app.
  • When you examine the data, you may use it in practical ways. For example, you may use information about your listeners (age, gender, and
  • location) to create more relevant material. You can also see and use the most popular episodes to develop ideas.

11. Use Spotify Monetization Features

You might have started a Spotify podcast to make some money. Maybe you don’t want to make a lot, but many people just want to pay for making their show. Spotify has special tools to help you earn money with your podcast.

It’s easier to use than other places. To use these tools, you must have had at least two episodes and 100 listeners in the last 60 days. If you have that, you can make money on Spotify by:

  • Podcast subscriptions: People pay every month to hear special episodes.
  • Listener support: Fans can give money to their favorite podcasters.
  • Podcast advertising: Spotify puts ads in your episodes and gives you some of the money.

Why Should I Use Spotify for Podcasts?

Why should I use Spotify for Podcasts

Putting your podcast on Spotify is a fantastic way to increase the number of people listening to your show. It will help you get more listeners, make your show look more important, and request comments from your audience.

It’s a wise decision, given that Spotify is one of the most popular podcast platforms. Here are some reasons why you should try the Spotify Podcast:

Vast Audience

Spotify is a popular podcast-listening app, similar to Google Podcasts for Android and Apple Podcasts for iPhone.

Spotify features several podcasts. More than 32.5 million people use Spotify to listen to their preferred podcasts, with over five million episodes accessible. Because many people use Spotify and don’t need to download a new app to listen to your show, launching your podcast on the platform might reach a sizable audience.

Free To Host A Spotify Podcast

Anyone may use Spotify to make a free podcast. The business bought Anchor, a podcast hosting service, and rebranded it Spotify for Podcasters.

Seamless Integration Of Multiple Platforms

Spotify is like a beautiful universe where everyone can listen to your program regardless of device. It’s compatible with smartphones, tablets, PCs, gaming consoles, smart TVs, and smart speakers. You can distribute your playlist via Facebook, TikTok, X, and other platforms.

Playlists And Other Audience Growth Tools

Uploading your show to Spotify can result in podcast directories, playlists, and the announcement of new episodes. This can lead to more people discovering and listening to your podcast. Spotify also provides lists and charts to help users locate good podcasts.

One list, “Top Podcasts,” shows each country’s 200 most popular podcasts. Another “Top Episodes” shows the 200 episodes growing fast and having many listeners. And there’s a list called “Top Podcasts by Category,” which shows the 50 best podcasts in each type of content.

Spotify Podcast Requirements

Spotify Podcast Requirements

Before you publish your podcast on Spotify, ensure it follows the platform’s requirements for podcast development.


Podcasters can utilize Spotify to share episodes less than 200MB or 12 hours long. To start a podcast, make a short trailer to publicize your show. In the trailer, you may discuss your podcast, how frequently you will release new episodes, and why people should listen.

Cover Art

To get your podcast on Spotify, you must make a fantastic picture called “cover art.” You can make your cover art using free tools like Canva and Adobe. They have templates you can change to add your podcast name. You can make your cover art super cool, but it should be square (like 1:1) and saved as a PNG, JPEG, or TIFF file.


If you want to put your music on Spotify, you can use MP4s with AAC-LC or high-quality MP3 files. Your song should be 320 Kbps and no longer than 12 hours.


A video file must be uploaded to Spotify in MP4 or MOV format. The auditory and visual components must be limited to one each. A shorter file size will result in better playing, and your movie can last up to 12 hours. Make videos with these settings: Use a 16:9 ratio, H.264 format, and 25 Mbps for 1080p or 35 Mbps for 4K videos.


Metadata is like a toy box’s labels, telling you what’s inside. For podcasts, it includes things like the language, category (like ‘comedy’ or ‘history’), and other details. A rule says the parts people see, like the title, shouldn’t be longer than 20 letters, so it looks good for everyone using Spotify. But this rule only applies to the longer descriptions


What is a Video Podcast, and should I try Making One?

Video podcasts on Spotify mix video and audio nicely. When this functionality becomes accessible, video artists and podcasters can reach new audiences while connecting with those they already have. To get started, post a video to Spotify for podcasters, and it will automatically go to Spotify. Then, people can watch or just listen in the background to enjoy your episodes anywhere.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Spotify doesn’t give money to people just for putting their podcasts on it. But you can make money from your Spotify podcast by adding ads, paying people to listen, and getting donations from listeners.


So you get it: starting a podcast for free on Spotify is easier than you might think. With Spotify for Podcasters, you have access to a wealth of tools and features that make the process so simple and easy. From setting up your account to recording, editing, and promoting your episodes, everything you need is at your fingertips.

Just follow the easy steps outlined above, and you can set up your account, record and edit your episodes, and share your content with listeners worldwide. You can reach many people and even make money by starting a podcast for free on Spotify. So, what about starting it?

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