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How much does a Youtuber make with 100k Subscribers?

How much does a Youtuber make with 100k Subscribers?

Have you ever wondered how much money YouTubers make when they reach the milestone of 100K subscribers? If you’ve been curious about the financial side of being a YouTuber, this blog post is here to shed light on the earning potential and factors that come into play. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of YouTube earnings and uncover the secrets behind the figures.

Do You Know? Almost a third of today’s youth want to make a living as a YouTuber.

How YouTubers Make Money?

YouTubers can earn money in other ways outside of ads. The most prevalent methods used by YouTubers to increase their earnings are as follows:

1. Ad Revenue

With the YouTube Partner Program, creators can earn money through Google AdSense. To be eligible for the program, a channel needs to have at least 1,000 subscribers and over 4,000 views in the last 12 months. The minimum monthly payout for the channel is $100. You will only get paid for the month if your earnings are within the minimum required amount.

2. Brand Partnerships/Sponsorships

Opportunities for brand sponsorships increase with both view and subscriber counts. YouTube stars can earn money by endorsing brands. In other cases, they may not even have to pay for the things. In most cases, YouTubers may expect more earnings with a more actively engaged audience.

3. Affiliate Marketing

In the description area, some YouTubers offer links to where you may buy their chosen products. The channel receives a commission for any sale made by a viewer who clicks on one of the affiliate links.

4. Merchandise

To supplement their income, creators who have established a following on their channel frequently offer merch. T-shirts, hoodies, hats, and more can be sold through a YouTuber’s online shop.

5. Crowdfunding

Many popular YouTubers have turned to crowdfunding platforms to supplement their income. Famous producers use sites like Patreon because it allows them to share premium material with their patrons.

How Much Do YouTubers Earn?

Earnings for the highest-profile YouTubers can reach a staggering $29.5 million annually. Of course, most YouTubers don’t operate that way. Keep reading to learn how much money the typical YouTuber makes and how many followers are needed for sustainable YouTube income.

How much does an Average YouTuber make Per View?

How Much Does An Average YouTuber Make Per View

Creators must join the YouTube Partner Program to monetize their content. Google (who controls YouTube) and the person who created the content divide advertising revenue. About 68% of the money made by ads goes to the creators of the videos on YouTube.

Advertisers set their prices this way:

  • Advertisers often pay anywhere from $0.10 to $0.30 per view, with the average being $0.18.
  • This amounts to about $18 per 1,000 ad views for the average YouTuber.

Remember, YouTubers only receive a payment if their viewers watch the ad. This equates to $3.50 to $5.00 per 1,000 video views, given that not all viewers will watch the advertisements.

Earnings from advertising could be more manageable. This is why many YouTubers rely on revenue streams such as advertising and affiliate programs to make ends meet. Earnings per view for a popular YouTuber average roughly $0.18, or $18 per 1,000 views.

How Much Does An Average YouTuber Make Per Month?

Earnings for YouTubers can be substantial. The average monthly income for a professional YouTuber is $4,600. The number of views your videos receive and how you choose to monetize them are just two of many variables that will affect your ability to reach this goal.

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per Hour?

A YouTuber may expect to make $29.15 an hour on average. It was reported as the typical wage for a YouTuber in the United States. This estimate relies on a 40-hour work week at a rate of $1,166 a week. Actual earnings could be much higher or lower, so take this with a grain of salt.

How Much Does An Average YouTuber Make Per Subscriber?

The number of subscribers makes no difference to a YouTuber’s earnings. I wonder why they keep nagging people to subscribe.

Many viewers eagerly await each new upload. If they have a large number of subscribers, it’s more likely that their videos will be seen extensively. More views mean more money from ads. There are many easy and effective ways to get more views on YouTube.

Having a large number of subscribers also helps creators land better arrangements with major brands. Brands will pay extra to promote their content if a YouTuber has a significant following.

How much is YouTube Earning with 100k Subscribers?

To be successful on YouTube, you can use a million followers. With 100,000 members, creators may still make a respectable living. Now what about the YouTube earnings with 100k subscribers? Here we go with the proper answer: according to the same calculations, a YouTuber with 100,000 followers who uploads two videos every week can earn $600 to $1,000. This equates to $2,400-$4,000 in advertising revenue every month. That’s a nice sum, but YouTubers also have many other options for making money. See for yourself down below.

How much does a YouTuber make with 1 Million Subscribers?

The vast majority of the roughly 38 million channels on YouTube have fewer than a million viewers. Channels with over a million users have a good chance of being profitable on the service.

Here is how much a YouTuber could make if they uploaded two videos per week:

  • The average weekly income for a popular YouTuber is around $10,000.
  • If the price was $3.00 to $5.00 per 1,000 views.
  • Ad revenue alone may be anything from $24,000 to $40,000.

This is calculated on the assumption that all 1,000,000 viewers watch everyone. Not all subscribers will view every single video. Although subscribers have priority, non-subscribers can also watch.

Top 5 Tips to Earn more as a YouTuber

Here are five ways that YouTubers can use to increase their profit. Let’s explore together:

Five Tips To Earn More As A YouTuber

1. Niche Identification

It’s wise to specialize in one area only. This will assist in maintaining your channel’s subscriber base and provide it with purpose. Your audience has come to anticipate a specific style of writing from you. It wouldn’t make sense for a tech channel to start sharing cooking tips.

2. Make Some Good Shows

Success for many channels comes from publishing ongoing video series. This helps in numerous ways. The process of categorizing videos on your channel is simplified. Additionally, it facilitates the discovery and subsequent marathon viewing of similar videos by interested viewers.

3. Make Consistent Video Updates

Maintaining your audience’s interest requires posting consistently. If viewers find your channel to be active, they are more likely to subscribe. You can also try posting at different times to see what works best.

4. Share Your YouTube Content With Others

Joining forces with others can help you gain more fans and attention. You can make cameo appearances in other people’s videos, and they are in yours. You can both expand your reach and attract new viewers by working together.

5. Make a Strong Social Media Presence

Maintaining an online presence is beneficial for a full-time YouTuber. You can get the word out about your videos on several sites. Furthermore, it facilitates communication with your readers and builds anticipation for future content.


What happens if you get 100k subscribers on YouTube?

To be considered for a Creator Award, a candidate must satisfy the following criteria: Accumulate a certain number of paying customers: When you get 100,000 subscribers, you’ll get silver. Platinum: When one million people sign up

How much does a YouTuber with 50k subscribers earn?

You can make between $800 and $1,400 monthly if you have 50,000 subscribers who watch most of your videos regularly, 35,000 views per day, and a 25% engagement rate.

What are the primary sources of income for a YouTuber?

Primary income sources include AdSense revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. The mix and effectiveness of these sources can vary based on the channel’s niche and audience engagement.

How does AdSense contribute to a YouTuber’s earnings?

AdSense earnings for a YouTuber with 100k subscribers depend on factors like average video views, audience location, and click-through rates. Ad revenue is often the base income but can fluctuate with viewer behavior and ad market trends.

Does the YouTuber’s content niche affect their earning potential?

Definitely. The content niche significantly influences earning potential. Niches with high advertiser demand or dedicated audiences can generate higher earnings through AdSense, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.


The income of some YouTube producers is mind-boggling. But don’t expect to get rich overnight with this. Making a solid living on YouTube requires a lot of work and a bit of luck.

The size and quality of your following are crucial factors in determining a YouTuber’s earnings. With 100k subscribers, insights into nearby YouTube earnings provide valuable information on potential income opportunities. Understanding the dynamics of your audience and consistently delivering high-quality content contribute significantly to your earning potential as a YouTuber.

YouTube may only provide a part-time income for some, but it may be a fantastic source of extra cash. You have nothing to lose by posting videos on YouTube about something you’re interested in.

How To Get More Views On YouTube In 2024?

How To Get More Views On YouTube In 2024?

Everyone who uploads videos desires to enhance their YouTube views. More views equate to a larger audience, greater visibility, and increased opportunities for monetization. While views remain significant, YouTube is placing increasing emphasis on audience retention. Consequently, the minutes viewed are now equally, if not more, important than the number of views. Regardless of whether views or retention take precedence, the ultimate goal is to captivate viewers for as long as possible.

Achieving more YouTube visits entails creating exceptional video content, employing link-building strategies, and optimizing videos. Each of these aspects necessitates strategic planning and goal setting. In the following sections, we will explore eight recommended methods to boost 1 million views on YouTube.

How to increase YouTube views

  • Participate in the bat
  • YouTube Analytics Participation Reports
  • AdWords keyword tool
  • Twitter Stalking Influencers
  • Bottom-up link
  • Produce videos of your amazing posts
  • On the SEO video page
  • Content Circles
  • Participate in the bat

The first 15 seconds of a video is crucial. This period of time is when the majority of the audience leaves watching a video. Therefore, we must pay special attention to those first seconds in our pre-production planning to increase views on YouTube and decrease abandonment.

Whether you produce video blogs, sketches, tutorials, or whatever, make the first few seconds “explode.” How to take part? That is a complete blog post in itself, but here are a couple of ideas. Catchy music that is energetic and vibrant, just like television news. At the end of the video, indicating what the viewer will learn, experience, feel, etc., is very similar to the headline of a blog post; If you don’t describe a benefit, you probably won’t keep it.

YouTube Analytics Participation Reports

YouTube Analytics is packed with great information about your channel. The problem is that if you don’t have experience with YouTube, there won’t be much data to interpret. For now, suppose you have some data. The YouTube Analytics Participation Reports section gives you a glimpse of your audience’s psyche.

Each section: subscribers, likes and dislikes, favorites, comments, and sharing gives you a list of the top 10. To increase YouTube views with participation reports, all you have to do is produce more than what appears in your top 10 lists. These top 10 tell you what your audience likes.

For example, favoring and sharing a video requires much more effort on behalf of the user, it implies a couple of clicks more than one I like and, in my opinion, it is a much more valuable indicator of the tastes and preferences of your audience. To produce more of those top 10, give more than you like and increase YouTube views.

AdWords keyword tool

Another crucial factor in increasing YouTube views is that content must be valuable to the audience. The value of a video can be determined by seeing if it answers questions, solves problems, and/or satisfies a need of the viewer, NOT the producer.

To help us produce more relevant and valuable content for our audience, we can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to investigate a bit about what our audience is looking for and with that information produce videos that answer questions, solve problems, and/or satisfy needs of the viewer

Twitter Stalking Influencers

Be careful, this does not mean Twitter Spam, it literally means stalking (being present while staying out of sight). So what is an influencer, simply, someone who can easily influence a group of people, usually to take some kind of an action because of the credibility this person has gained?

Twitter Stalking Influencers

By stalking these people’s deadlines on Twitter, you can get an idea of ​​what they like, and what they don’t like, and, most importantly, you can develop an idea of ​​what questions, problems, and needs you can answer, solve or satisfy. What you want is to discover what they need and have not found an answer.

It rushes, produces a relevant video (obviously consistent with your brand /company/mission), and sends it on Twitter with the hope that it tears your itch, retweets it to your audience and, in turn, helps you increase YouTube views.

Bottom-up link

I have seen great success in my work to increase YouTube views by requesting collaborations with other YouTubers and links from relevant sites. I don’t know about space science, but normally we go after people and channels with the most massive audience, it’s not a good idea.

Reaching these individuals is akin to locating a needle in a haystack silo. Their inboxes are consistently inundated, time is a precious commodity, and your requests often go unnoticed. It is advisable to connect with individuals who wield a slightly higher level of influence, if not on par, with your intended targets. By engaging with individuals who have a comparable or greater impact, you increase the likelihood of your messages resonating and making a meaningful impact.

These people and channels are much more accessible because they have a mission similar to yours: increase views on YouTube. Therefore, they tend to answer emails, messages, youtube comments, Tweets, fan emails, and even their cell phones. It is an incremental growth from the bottom up through accessible channels.

Produce Videos from Your Posts

Another way to increase YouTube views is to produce videos that are complementary to your own blog posts. This diverts traffic from your blog to your YouTube channel. The video as a complement to your publications can add a dynamic and audiovisual component that can attract those who are not great readers. Maybe you could make quick 2-minute video summaries for those who are on the move, or you can do your best and describe through complex video ideas that are not easily understood in the text.

On the SEO Video Page

The titles, descriptions, and tags that you enter when uploading your video should be treated in exactly the same way as you would on your website. To get views on YouTube, people should be able to find their content, and titles that say or Video Blog will never take it anywhere.

Image result for onpage seo

Do keyword research for the subject of each video. Once you decide on a phrase, make it to us at the beginning of your title. This is no different than the title tags on your site. The description could be seen as the meta description, a great place to add some longer phrases and keywords.

If you have the ability to transcribe your videos, the description is an excellent place to put that text. Tags are another area where you can place more researched keywords and phrases.

Content Circles

One of the simplest and least used ways to gain YouTube stream views is never to let your audience leave your channel. This is achieved through the production of planned content and an annotation strategy. The idea is to place annotations within a video that, at some point, offer you the ease and the visual signal of “click here to see the above”, “click here to see the next”, “click here to see how it is done “,” click here to see the … “, you understand the point.


How Can I Boost YouTube Views Organically?

This FAQ should focus on providing legitimate strategies for increasing YouTube views without resorting to artificial means. Address topics such as optimizing video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails, as well as promoting content through social media and collaborations.

Are Paid Promotions Effective for Increasing YouTube Views?

Answering this question involves discussing the effectiveness of paid promotions on platforms like Google Ads. Provide insights into best practices, potential benefits, and any limitations associated with paid advertising while maintaining transparency in accordance with Google’s EAT principles.

What Role Does Audience Engagement Play in Increasing YouTube Views?

Discuss the importance of audience engagement, including likes, comments, and shares, in boosting YouTube views. Highlight strategies for fostering a community around your content, as this aligns with Google’s emphasis on quality content and user interaction.

How Does YouTube’s Algorithm Impact Video Views?

Explore how YouTube’s algorithm works and its influence on video visibility. Cover aspects such as watch time, click-through rate, and user behavior, emphasizing the need to create content that aligns with YouTube’s guidelines for improved algorithmic performance.


Increasing YouTube views requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on captivating the audience and optimizing video content. While the number of views remains important, YouTube now emphasizes audience retention and minutes viewed. To achieve 1 million views on YouTube, several recommended strategies can be implemented.

Firstly, it is crucial to make the first 15 seconds of a video captivating and attention-grabbing to reduce audience abandonment. Techniques such as using energetic music and indicating the benefits or value of the video can help retain viewers.

Secondly, utilizing YouTube Analytics Participation Reports provides valuable insights into the audience’s preferences and interests. By producing content that aligns with the top 10 liked, shared, or favorited videos, creators can increase engagement and views.

Thirdly, leveraging the Google AdWords keyword tool allows for the creation of relevant and valuable content that addresses the questions, problems, and needs of the viewers. Understanding what the audience is searching for helps in producing videos that cater to their interests.

Furthermore, by observing and understanding influencers through platforms like Twitter, creators can identify the unanswered questions or needs of the influencer’s audience. Producing relevant videos and sharing them on Twitter can potentially lead to increased views when the influencer shares the content with their followers.